Wednesday, 29 February 2012
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
Monday, 27 February 2012
Sunday, 26 February 2012
Saturday, 25 February 2012
couple of floor grunge decals to break up that lab floor which wasnt nearly as grungy as the equipment(!) Two 512x512 one-channel textures.
I think we'll play any remaining required grunge decals by ear... see how far the vertex painting goes for the grunge. if we need some for walls, should be no trouble to make them... they dont take long.
table and files
Table currentlty matches the wood and green of the bridge pieces. We happy with this or shall we try a galvanised (silver) metal for the legs/different surface for the tabletop? Lemme know.
You found the green eeerrrb
Mutant marijuana easter egg idea :P developed in labs for medicinal purposes obvs... veiny like the rest of the roots in the level haha. thinking of using some of rich's roots coming out the pot aswell.

my take on Resident Evils 'Green Herb'
dont have to put this in the level but might be quite funny, somehowww
Friday, 24 February 2012
Mother Plant Sculpt
*pants* Finally! *wipes brow* Now to bake it down and tweak in PS tomorrow in the labs which wont take long, cant do it at home as my laptop will surely blow up.
....Bed time.
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Monday, 20 February 2012
New pieces
3 different root building pieces.
3 different broken concrete pieces for pushing up through floor tiles, or caving in floor tiles.
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Wednesday, 15 February 2012
Metroid Prime Environments
When playing the Metriod Prime games I find the environments and plantlife really inspiring and relevant for what wer're trying to achive visually.
So I gathered some screenshots cause I wanted to share it with you guys, please have a look. :)
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
Minutes 14-2-12
All members were present.
Business from last meeting
- level was presented to tutors for feedback
- round 2 assets built, only a couple of plants outstanding
Members were reminded not to overwrite other teammembers' saves, but that dropbox modifications can be reverted to old versions.
Discuss feedback given after presentation
Tutors made suggestions to add more dynamic lighting and vary the wall textures more. In addition, presentations from other groups reminded us to focus more on making interesting use of space and shadows.
Round 3 assets
Three members have split into a "lab team" to spend this round populating the lab rooms. The remainder of the group will continue with their existing plant obligations (plantbligations) and other miscellaneous props.
"Level Jam"
Inspired by Bethesda's "Game Jam" (developers were given a week to do whatever they wanted to Skyrim), teammembers will spend one day doing whatever (risk-free) changes to the level that they want. This may be populating it with assets, adjusting lighting or making minor room modifications. Only one stipulation is being given: changes should not make MORE work for us.
Level Jam schedule below. Named person must hand over to the next person first thing next-day.
"Level Jam"
Inspired by Bethesda's "Game Jam" (developers were given a week to do whatever they wanted to Skyrim), teammembers will spend one day doing whatever (risk-free) changes to the level that they want. This may be populating it with assets, adjusting lighting or making minor room modifications. Only one stipulation is being given: changes should not make MORE work for us.
Level Jam schedule below. Named person must hand over to the next person first thing next-day.
- Wednesday - Ant
- Thursday - Adam
- Friday-Sunday - Mike
- Monday - Rich
- Tuesday - Ben
- Wednesday - Tristan
Objectives for the next meeting
- Lab Team will produce lab stuff.
- Remainder of team will continue with their existing plants and do a variety of miscellaneous props to furnish the level.
Monday, 13 February 2012
broken bridges
having just made these, I think they need to be adjusted because I was modelling from the wrong rail height in max :S
four pieces in all, downleft, downright, upleft and upright... but the left/rights can easily be flipped, so thats two choices per given direction... which is proooobably a little overkill. oh wells.
four pieces in all, downleft, downright, upleft and upright... but the left/rights can easily be flipped, so thats two choices per given direction... which is proooobably a little overkill. oh wells.
they look a bit better when not fully lit but the shadows werent working... I think Ben had this problem on the bridge pieces before?
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Mother Plant Progress
Thought I'd just post the progress so far, still a longgggg way to go.
This should be okay as a place-holder for Tuesday though.
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Plastic Cart thingy
the body of the cart is greyscale so that it can be multiplied through a colour. Just means we can do a red and a blue one with the same one-channel texture. supah-cheap! also "cheated" by using the material from the trolley thing I did earlier to save me time.
Plant Testing Container
Not exactly sure how i managed it but i speant most of today just doing the difuse map for the plant holder test chamber box thing. working fast is deffinately not my strong point !
anyways, has a diffuse and alpha map, still not game ready as i have a vendetta against light maps... but right after i have a tea & ciggy break gonna get started on them right away, so can hopefully make the cut for tuesdays presentation !
Edit :
updated version with successful lightmaps :D think it looks alright, totes forgotten how to import alphas into UDK tough
Friday, 10 February 2012
hanging light plant
based on feedback, updated to match the eyeball plants. also simplified the leaves to be more readable. UDK left, max right.
Edit: I've just done a smaller, half-grown version of it and the light without any growth on it.
Edit: I've just done a smaller, half-grown version of it and the light without any growth on it.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Mother Plant Placeholder
Made a crap looking placeholder for the mother plant (please dont pay any attention to the geometry this is going to be redone lol) to try and see where it's going to be placed in the level, found it soooo hard, as it feels really crammed already, for a giant hero asset that is, didn't really have a big enough area for the base roots, so they're going to be growing over a bridge I think, or something, I'll work in this tomorrow, tired, zzz.
Container Tanks WIP
Preeeeeetty much finished the model for the container tanks. Added a few levers, switches and buttons to the model since i last took these screens
gonna make use of the alpha map and modify the support around the outside of the tanks to make it appear as though a plant has broken and escaped out of the chamber
Hero Plant
Had the idea that the roots and vines of a tree could be encompassing the core. Perhaps you could get inside the core?
Final Design
Final Design
Hero Mother Plant Ideas
6 quick ideas, tried out ways of having the plant illuminating itself. Also other versions including the hanging lights attached to the the branches
An idea having the hero asset bursting through the cieling rather than growing on the ground, player has to look up at it... the arms could also be clutching onto bridges and walls etc
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Alpha Plant Concepts
"Arms" look a little symmetrical atm, but they can be adjusted in height accord to what the're grabbing onto in the level, in max
Please crit.
hanging plant WIP
this ones clocking in as really expensive. i *think* we can afford it, but if you guys are concerned, I can try and find ways to cheapen its triangle cost. the main thing would be to replace the leaves with alphas, but if I want to give them shape, then ill need to make half the geomtetry thats already there to bend them into a nice shape, so I figured I may as well skip alphas.
anyway, thoughts please...
EDIT: edited leaf geometry to look less fresh and a bit more withered. still about 1200 tris.
anyway, thoughts please...
EDIT: edited leaf geometry to look less fresh and a bit more withered. still about 1200 tris.
1200 triangles
alhpa plant/mother plant/thing
was looking for an illustration that ive got in my head, but now im doubting if it even exists. oh well. here are ones i liked as i was looking for the one i really wanted...
like the pose
like it leaning forwards
like it pressing against walls
like the asymmetry
like the tendrils, and generally its a supercool illustration
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